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Name: Carrie Marie Underwood
Birthday: March 10, 1983
Age: 22
Checotah, OK
Audition City: St. Louis, Missouri
American idol Audition Number: 14887
Favorite Singer:
Martina McBride
Parent's Names:
Steve and Carole
Northeastern State University
Mass Communications
Past Highschool: Checotah High School
Piano and Guitar
2 older sisters, Shanna and Stephanie
A Cocker Spaniel
Favorite Ice Cream:
Movies: Horror Movies
Siblings: Shanna and Stephanie
Height: 5"4
Became American Idol: May 25th, 2005

More facts

 Carrie loves horror movies.

 She is a fan of the Dallas Cowboys and Troy Aikman.  

 She's a vegetarian, loves pizza, and drinks a Diet Coke every morning.

 Her favorite country singer is Martina McBride.

 She sings in the choir at First Freewill Baptist Church.

 She used to be in a band called Star Rise.

 If she couldn't sing, she would like to be a drummer in a rock band.

 She collects bunnies.

 Her mom is her hero.

Dreams about flying a lot
Likes the feel of worn in leather shoes and freshly washed cotton

Can never remember her dad's birthday, but always remembers her cats
Prefers cats to dogs
Carrie studied Mass Communications at Northeastern State University before Idol.

Carrie has been singing since age 3.

Carrie has a huge soft-spot for animals. She can be found rescuing strays.

Carrie has a cocker spaniel named Blondie.

Carrie has two older sisters, Shanna and Stephanie.

Carrie played softball for 8 years, but stopped to focus on music.

Carrie is the only contestant from season 4 to never be in the bottom 3.
Kelly Clarkson and Clay Aiken never were in their seasons either.

Graduated from Checotah Highschool in 2000
talent winner and first runner-up in the 2003 Miss NSU contest

Was the opening act for "Diamond Rio", "The Wilkinson's", "Exile", " "Gene Watson," Billy Hoffman" and "Earl Thomas Conley"
Started first studio recording first studio recording at age 13
A senior at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, OK

A Mass Communications major with emphasis in Journalism

Maintains a 3.5+ GPA and is regarded by her NSU professors as "bright, capable, energetic"

An active member of the Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority (2003-2004 Secretary)

Competed in Miss NSU Scholarship Pageant in 2002 and 2003, placing in the top three each   year including First Runner Up and Overall Talent Winner in 2002

Performed with Northeastern Repertory Company's Downtown Country Show in summer 2003   & 2004 including the Downtown Country Christmas Show

Wants to pursue career in broadcasting
Former producer of The "Quah," Northeastern's student-produced television program

Has written for The Northeastern, NSU's award-winning student newspaper